Resident Partners The Logan Center is the proud home to several resident UChicago Arts partners, including arts academic programs, professional arts organizations, and initiatives.
Campus Partners The Logan Center works with numerous UChicago units, departments, and organizations to co-present and host arts programs throughout the year. Below are our most regular campus collaborators.
Co-Presenting Organization Partners (CPOPs) The Logan Center works with several Chicago-based arts and cultural organizations to co-present a range of engagement programs and performances that often connect the work of our students and faculty with great artists and organizations from Chicago and beyond.
Community Cultural Arts Partners (CCAPs) The Logan Center collaborates with over 40 Chicago-based arts and cultural organizations annually to host performances and programs at a subsidized rate through mutually beneficial partnerships supporting the vibrant cultural community on Chicago’s South Side. Learn more >>
Visiting Partners The Logan Center’s stages and spaces serve as host to a variety of City of Chicago artists, festivals, annual events, organizations, and more.